License Music
Are you a Video Producer? Here is the place you can pick up great background tracks for your videos!

Licensing Music
If you wish to include a music file into your video project it is required by law to purchase a “License”. A license is an agreement specifying that the owner of a piece of music gives you the right to use his music in one or more of your personal and commercial projects.
It is that right you are purchasing. The money you pay for this right is called a “sync fee” or a “license fee”. For example, if you produce a video using music for which you do not own the copyright, Youtube might flag you for copyright infringement and close your channel. The solution is to purchase a license from the copyright owner so that you can prove that you own the right to use that music.
You need Music for your video?
One of Edouard Reny’s main musical activity is to provide Royalty Free Music for video creators whether it is for Youtube or traditional media. This category of music production is called ‘Sync‘ Music. The term ‘Sync’ means that the music is aimed at being synchronized with a video, thus to enhance the message delivered in the video. Sync Music covers all music styles from orchestral to Rock, Folk, Reggae, Pop, Electro, Metal… Edouard’s eclectic experiences allow him to provide sync music in many of these styles.
To purchase a license you need to pass by a third party: a Royalty Free music library. Royalty Free means that you only pay once for the license and nothing more. A large fraction of Edouard’s Catalog is licensable on the following libraries: Click on the logos below to explore Edouard’s Profiles and catalogs.
Each track comes in multiple versions to fit your needs. An example here:
(Please note that for bandwidth reasons, the quality of the audio presented here (mp3 – 96 kbps) is inferior to the real tracks (WAV, 24 bits)
You can also access a fraction of Edouard’s catalog on Soundcloud. Here are a few examples:
Pseudonyms you might encounter
Edouard has a long relationship with the Internet, and thus has released pieces under various pseudonyms:
_ Edward Keys (on POND5 for example),
_ Edouard André Reny or Edouard Reny (on Audiosparx and all exclusive libraries),
_ Synaptic Machines (the name of his first one-man-company when he was living in the Netherlands).